Friday, 31 August 2007

Scams - If it doesn't sound right it probably isn't!

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has been made aware of a scam involving consumers being telephoned by people, alleging to be from the OFT, asking for personal and financial information including their bank account details in order for the OFT to reclaim bank charges on their behalf. These callers have no connection with the OFT, and their intention is to use the information for identity theft or to run up bills or commit crimes using stolen details. The OFT will never contact consumers asking them for personal bank details.

The OFT is warning consumers not to pass on personal or financial information to cold callers either over the phone or via email, and if they have already done so, to contact their bank as soon as possible and review their credit card and bank account statements to see if there have been any unauthorised transactions. For full deatils go to

Alan Porter of The Will Centre says, "NEVER disclose personal information. There are several websites that contain information such as 'Get Safe Online' and 'Bank Safe Online'. Log on to these and get wise to the scammers".

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Lasting Powers of Attorney

On 1st October 2007 a new regime comes into force that was designed to protect the elderly.

Currently a person (called ‘the donor’) can make an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA). This will be replaced by a new document called a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) as laid out in sections 9-14 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. However EPA’s made before 1st October will still be valid and continue after 1st October. After this date you will only be able to make an LPA. There are two types of LPA: one for property and finances and the other for personal welfare. This is a key change: the attorney will be able to make decisions about the person’s welfare, health and housing – even if life-sustaining treatment is to be refused.

But lawyers still have concerns. It is felt that the new regime (which does not affect existing EPA’s) will be more difficult, costly and be subject to greater delays. There must also be a certificate to state that the donor knows what he or she is doing.

Alan Porter of The Will Centre says, “This is still a lot on confusion about LPA’s. The legislation was supposed to start earlier this year but was put back to the 1st October. Our advice is to make sure you have an EPA before the deadline of 1st October. If you already have one then make sure it is updated if it does not make your current wishes. And don’t forget EPA’s aren’t just for the elderly or infirm – they are for everyone!

Call The Will Centre on 01752 607040 for free impartial advice.

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Will Awareness Week - 24th to 29th September

The Society of Will Writers estimates that currently 70% of the UK adult population don’t have a Will or, they have an old Will that does not account for changes that have been made in their lives, in an increasingly complex society it is our role to educate on the benefits having a Will and ensuring that it is up-to-date. ‘Will Awareness Week’ is a National campaign that is being run by The Society of Will Writers to raise awareness of the importance of having a Will. The campaign will take place from the 24th – 29th September 2007.

The campaign will tour 6 cities in 6 days: Lincoln, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and Milton Keynes. The aim of the road show will be to raise awareness as to the significance of a Will and its importance to everyone regardless of age, gender or fortune.

We will be supporting this campaign with events in Plymouth. Do you have any ideas how we can support or publicise Will Awareness Week?

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Daughter Jailed for using DIY Will Kit to forge her dying Mother's Will

By Alan Porter of The Will Centre.

Doing your own Will is often fraught with difficulties but as the following shows there are greater dangers than just not doing it right . . .

"A DAUGHTER has been jailed for forging her dying mother's Will to cheat her family. The woman was in line to get a quarter of her mother's £70,000 estate, sharing it equally with her three step-siblings.

Instead she ignored her mother's last wishes, invented a second will making herself the executor and decided to give her step brother and step sisters £2,000 each and keep the rest for herself. With her mother dying of cancer in Hospital and unable to move let alone write her name, she forged a cheque and took £8,000 from her mother's bank account. She made plans to transfer the remaining £7,000 in the account into her own name and contacted an estate agent to sell her mother's home.

Her mother died three days later, aged 79, unaware of how her daughter had defied her. The
woman used the £8,000 cheque she had forged to pay off her step-siblings, telling them in letters that her mother had written a new Will and she was the major beneficiary. But they questioned the new Will with a solicitor and the police, and the scam began to unravel.

A handwriting expert found that the signature on the cheque had been forged. The deception was carried out with a £9.99 Will kit bought from W H Smith.

Despite repeated denials of wrongdoing before the trial she pleaded guilty to obtaining a money
transfer by deception, using a false instrument and making a false statement on oath."

Don’t leave things to chance. A Will is probably the most important document you will ever make so do it properly. Call us on 01752-607040. We offer a FREE review service for Home Made or DIY Wills.